Is Seasol Good for Geraniums?

Written By:
Scott Carroll
Published On:
November 30, 2023
Red flowering geranium

Picture your geraniums surviving and thriving with vibrant blooms and robust health. Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret potion to enhance their beauty? Enter Seasol, the liquid gold concoction from the ocean, promising to invigorate your plants. But does it really work wonders on geraniums, those colourful mainstays of home gardens? 

As we unravel the mystery of Seasol’s compatibility with these hardy flowers, prepare to embark on a quest through gardening lore to discover the truth.

Introduction to Seasol and its benefits for plants

Seasol is not your average garden booster; it’s derived from a blend of seaweeds, creating a nutrient-rich solution beyond mere fertilisation. This biostimulant is an all-in-one tonic that enriches soil quality, making nutrients more available for plant uptake. With my gardening hat firmly placed on my head, I’ve marvelled at how it encourages root development while enhancing the resilience of plants against stresses ranging from drought to pests.

Discussion on the numerous benefits of using Seasol in gardening, including improved growth, flowering, and overall health of plants

The evidence supporting Seasol’s efficacy in promoting healthier gardens is substantial, with studies finding that consistent use allows for:

  • Enhanced root development
  • Increased uptake of nutrients
  • Strengthened resistance against common stresses
  • Improved foliage density
  • More vibrant flowering displays

I’ve seen sparse areas transform into lush hideaways under its influence, due testimony to its virtuous properties for hobbyist gardeners and professional landscapers alike.

Is Seasol good for geraniums?

For those with geraniums painting their yards with vibrant hues, the question of: is Seasol good for geraniums frequently emerges. Let me shed some light on this query based on research and experience.

Here’s the crux: Seasol indeed contains properties that can be beneficial to geraniums. It acts primarily as a tonic rather than a traditional fertiliser, meaning it may not deliver all the nutrients these flamboyant florals require. However, when used with other products or organic matter, it becomes part of a tailored nutrition plan fostering robust geranium growth.

There are compelling reasons why incorporating Seasol into your gardening regimen might make sense:

  1. Root health: Seasol fosters a solid foundation upon which geraniums can thrive by stimulating strong root formation.
  2. Resistance and vitality: It arms your geraniums with improved resistance to environmental stresses such as high temperatures or inadequate watering conditions.
  3. Plant tonic: As a supplement delivering trace elements and minerals, it helps maintain your plants’ overall well-being, enhancing leaf colour and bloom.

Remember, though, moderation is key. While enthusiastic about giving your geraniums this nutritional advantage, adherence to proper dosage and application frequency is vital. Over-application can overwhelm plants, leading to adverse effects.

By effectively integrating Seasol into your geranium care routine within recommended guidelines, you’ll harness its fortifying capabilities while ensuring the specific demands of these delightful flowers are met. Doing so creates an environment where your garden doesn’t merely survive but significantly flourishes under your attentive stewardship.


Proper application of Seasol for geraniums

To get the best out of your Seasol for nurturing geraniums, following the right usage guidelines is crucial. Let’s discuss the right amount and schedule to maximise your plant’s potential.

  • Recommended dosage: I recommend diluting 30ml (about two tablespoons) of Seasol in 9 litres (2 gallons) of water. This should be sufficient for watering an area of approximately 2 square metres (6 square feet).
  • Frequency: Apply this mix every two to four weeks during active growth. It’s a tonic, not just a fertiliser, so regular use can help maintain vigorous growth and health.

Seasol is designed as a gentle supplement that you can’t really overdo, but sticking to these guidelines ensures optimal nutrient absorption without waste.

Getting your timing down

Timing matters when applying Seasol to achieve luscious blooms and hearty foliage in geraniums. Here are some breakdowns of the different stages for applying Seasol to your geraniums:

  • Active growth stages typically occur in spring and summer when plants gear up for blooming—this period craves extra nutrients.
  • Pre-flowering phase: Give geraniums a boost with Seasol just before they enter their blooming stage, encouraging fuller flowers.
  • Seasonal considerations: If you’re tending to perennials, consider another light application in early fall to help them brace for colder months.

The idea is to sync Seasol applications with your geranium’s natural life cycle for support where it counts most.

What to avoid when using Seasol for geraniums

While Seasol is quite forgiving and safe compared to many fertilisers, keeping a few pointers in mind will prevent any mishaps:

  • Never mix it more concentrated than instructed. It doesn’t speed up the results but can overwhelm your plants.
  • Avoid applying it midday or during intense heat; early morning or evening times are gentler on plants.
  • Don’t solely rely on it. Adding organic matter would also be necessary if your soil quality is poor.

Respecting these limits maintains balanced nutrition and avoids unnecessary stress on your geraniums. 

Watering Geraniums

Other useful fertilisers for geraniums

While Seasol is an exceptional tonic, promoting vigorous growth and resilience in plants, it should be part of a broader nutritional regime to capture the full spectrum of what these flowering beauties need.

Embarking on this gardening quest, you’ll encounter other fertilisers worthy of attention. Let’s delve into some notable contenders that can help your geraniums flourish:

Charlie Carp All Purpose

First up is Charlie Carp’s All Purpose. This one’s akin to giving your plants a well-rounded meal packed with essential nutrients. It’s derived from the European Carp, an invasive species turned into a useful resource, which means using it to feed your plants. It contributes to managing environmental concerns by using pest fish populations.

Charlie Carp offers:

  • A unique blend of macro and micronutrients
  • Increased resistance against diseases and pests
  • Accelerated growth rate and enhanced flowering potential

For geranium enthusiasts, this amalgamation fortifies soil conditions. It ensures your geraniums receive thorough nutrition, leading to vibrant flowers with rich colouration. Make sure you follow the recommended dosing guide, it’s all too easy to overdo it when you start seeing those results!

If you want more information about this product, check out our Charlie Carp vs Seasol breakdown

Rooster Booster Organic Fertiliser

Then we have Rooster Booster Organic Fertiliser—a boon for organic gardening advocates who want to nurture their geraniums naturally. This powerhouse combines poultry manure with other organic substances to create a composted fertiliser without harsh chemicals.

Consider applying Rooster Booster during planting time or as a top dressing for established plants. 

Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • It promotes strong root development, which is essential for healthy growth.
  • The slow-release formula provides ongoing nutrient supply without risk of burn.
  • It enhances microbial activity in the soil, which benefits plant health holistically.

As much as it’s efficacious, remember moderation is key; too much of any good thing can lead to nutrient imbalances detrimental to plant health.

Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver and Plant Fertiliser

Another star in the world of geranium fertiliser is the Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver and Plant Fertiliser—truly a double-duty product that rejuvenates lacklustre soils while feeding your plants. Aimed at creating more conducive growing conditions, its benevolence extends far beyond mere nutrition:

  • Enriches soil with organic matter
  • Enhances water retention, which is especially important for geraniums in pots
  • Offers a gentle, slow-release source of nutrients ideal for sustained growth without spikes

For those seeking the best fertiliser for geraniums Australia has provided regarding local flora needs, this product is an option aligning perfectly with regional soil varieties and climate conditions peculiar to Australia.

See more information on the key differences between Rooster Booster and Dynamic Lifter

Conclusion and final recommendations

In summary, Seasol is an excellent addition to geranium care, offering natural, eco-friendly support for robust growth. Experiment with application rates and observe your plants’ responses. 

With careful and combined use, expect lush foliage and vibrant blossoms, making your garden a source of pride and joy! 


What is the best fertiliser for geraniums?

The best fertiliser for geraniums typically includes a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Organic options like compost or worm castings are highly beneficial. Specialised geranium or flowering plant fertilisers, which cater to their specific nutrient needs, are recommended for optimal growth and blooming.

Is Dynamic Lifter good for geraniums?

Yes, Dynamic Lifter is suitable for geraniums. It’s an organic fertiliser that slowly releases nutrients, improving soil health and structure. This gradual nourishment supports the steady growth of geraniums, making it a good choice for these plants.

Do geraniums need Epsom salts?

Geraniums can benefit from Epsom salts, which provide magnesium, a vital nutrient for plant health. However, it should be used sparingly and only if a magnesium deficiency is evident. Overuse can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil.

Do geraniums need a lot of fertiliser?

Geraniums do not require excessive fertilisation. Moderate and balanced feeding is key. Over-fertilising can harm the plants, leading to leaf burn or inhibited flowering. Following specific fertiliser guidelines and observing the plant’s response for optimal feeding is best.