Best Buffalo Fertiliser Guide

Written By:
Scott Carroll
Published On:
February 28, 2024
Fertilising buffalo grass.

In our quest for the perfect buffalo lawn, selecting the right fertiliser is not just important—it’s essential. With its broad, soft leaves, Buffalo grass thrives when given the proper nutrients, making fertilisation a pivotal part of its care. 

This guide will navigate us through the best fertilisers, ensuring our buffalo lawns remain vibrant and healthy, showcasing the unique beauty this grass variety offers to Australian gardens.

Why do I need to fertilise a buffalo lawn?

Fertilising buffalo grass goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s about nurturing its essence. This resilient variety, beloved for its lush green hue and soft texture, demands a balanced diet to flourish. 

By introducing the right fertiliser, we’re not just promoting vigorous growth but enhancing its vibrant green colour, a hallmark of a well-tended garden. Moreover, a well-nourished lawn is a fortress against pests and diseases, standing strong where lesser cared-for lawns might falter. 

Fertilisation is the cornerstone of buffalo grass’s health and longevity, ensuring it remains a verdant oasis in our gardens. 

Through this practice, we’re not just maintaining a lawn but cultivating an enduring, living artwork that enhances our outdoor spaces.

Special considerations for buffalo grass

Buffalo grass, with its unique charm and resilience, does have its specific demands, setting it apart from other lawn varieties. This grass type is notably sensitive to certain chemicals, particularly those found in broad-spectrum herbicides, which can inadvertently harm it while targeting weeds. Hence, the choice of fertiliser needs a careful, informed approach that avoids harmful chemicals while providing the essential nutrients this variety craves.

Moreover, buffalo grass has a distinct appetite for nutrients, especially nitrogen for growth, potassium for stress tolerance, and iron for that deep green colour we all admire. Unlike other grasses, it benefits greatly from a fertiliser blend tailored to these needs, ensuring it receives the right balance to thrive.

Recognising these special considerations is crucial. It’s not just about feeding our lawn; it’s about understanding its language, listening to what it needs, and responding with the right care. 

By choosing fertilisers specifically designed for buffalo grass, we’re nurturing our lawn and protecting the environment from the adverse effects of inappropriate chemical use. This thoughtful approach ensures our buffalo grass remains a lush, vibrant part of our gardens, reflecting our commitment to beauty and sustainability.

Buffalo grass

When to fertilise buffalo lawn

Buffalo grass, with its unique resilience and beauty, thrives under a tailored fertilisation schedule, ensuring it receives the nutrients it needs when it needs them most. 

Here’s how we can keep our buffalo lawns in peak condition throughout the year:

  • Spring: Our buffalo lawns wake from their slumber as the weather warms. Early spring is the perfect time for the first feed of the year, setting the stage for vigorous growth. Look for a fertiliser rich in nitrogen to kickstart this growth phase.
  • Summer: During the heat of summer, buffalo grass is at its most active. A mid-summer application helps sustain its lushness and resilience against the harsh sun and foot traffic. Opt for a fertiliser with balanced NPK ratios to support all aspects of its health.
  • Autumn: As the days shorten, an autumn application prepares our buffalo lawns for the cooler months. A potassium-rich fertiliser is ideal, strengthening the grass against cold stress and diseases.
  • Winter: In most Australian climates, buffalo grass will slow down but not go completely dormant. In cooler regions, a light winter feed with a low-nitrogen, slow-release fertiliser can help maintain its colour without encouraging excessive growth that could weaken the grass.
  • Signs your lawn needs attention: Yellowing leaves, slow growth, or a general lack of vigour can all indicate your buffalo lawn is hungry for nutrients. These signs are our lawn’s way of telling us it’s time for a nourishing feed.

By following this schedule, we ensure our buffalo lawns not only survive but thrive, providing a lush, green backdrop to our outdoor activities all year round.

Types of fertilisers for buffalo grass

Three primary fertiliser types stand out for our cherished buffalo grass: liquid, slow-release, and organic. 

Each brings its unique benefits to the table:

  • Liquid fertilisers offer immediate nutrient uptake, making them ideal for quick fixes. 
  • Slow-release varieties ensure a steady supply of nutrients over time, reducing the frequency of applications. 
  • Organic options, rich in natural ingredients, support soil health and grass vitality, aligning with eco-friendly gardening practices. 

Choosing the right one depends on our lawn’s current needs and our environmental preferences. Below, we’ll walk you through each type of fertiliser for buffalo grass, including some recommended products we’ve tested in our time!


Liquid fertiliser serves as a swift, effective solution for buffalo grass nourishment, perfectly suited for gardeners seeking immediate results. This fertiliser quickly integrates into the soil, allowing for rapid nutrient uptake by the grass.

Liquid fertiliser caters to seasoned gardeners and those new to lawn care who desire prompt, visible improvements, ideal for those in need of a quick green-up or addressing specific nutrient deficiencies.


  • Immediate nutrient availability: Liquid fertiliser ensures nutrients are quickly available to buffalo grass, promoting faster growth and greening.
  • Ease of application: With hose-end sprayers or watering cans, applying liquid fertiliser is straightforward, allowing for uniform distribution across the lawn.


  • Potential for nutrient run-off: If applied excessively or before heavy rain, liquid fertiliser can run off, wasting nutrients and potentially harming the environment.
  • Frequent applications needed: Unlike slow-release options, liquid fertilisers are absorbed quickly, necessitating more frequent applications to maintain lawn health and appearance.

Best liquid fertiliser for buffalo grass
Scotts Lawn Builder - Weed, Feed and Green Up
8/10Our Score

Scotts Lawn Builder - Weed, Feed and Green Up has been a game-changer for our buffalo lawn. The unique blend of nitrogen and iron is quickly absorbed, transforming our lawn into a lush, vibrant green oasis within days. Its effectiveness against many weeds, including bindii and clover, without harming the buffalo grass is impressive. 

The hose-on Easy Sprayer bottle made application a breeze, ensuring even coverage and preventing any mess or waste. Despite some challenges with the last half of the spray, its immediate greening effect and weed control made it invaluable for maintaining our lawn's health and appearance!

Slow release

Slow-release fertiliser is a lawn care product designed to release nutrients into the soil over an extended period gradually. This nutrient delivery method is particularly beneficial for buffalo grass, ensuring it receives a steady supply of essential nutrients without the risk of overfeeding.

Gardeners who prefer a low-maintenance approach to lawn care or those looking to sustain the health of their buffalo grass over longer periods will find slow-release fertilisers ideal.


  • Prolonged nutrient release: Nutrients are delivered over time, promoting consistent grass growth and reducing the need for frequent fertilisation.
  • Reduced risk of fertiliser burn: The gradual release minimises the chance of overwhelming the grass with too many nutrients at once, which can lead to fertiliser burn.
  • Less frequent applications: Because nutrients are released slowly, applications are needed less often, saving time and effort throughout the growing season.


  • Higher upfront costs: Slow-release fertilisers can be more expensive than quick-release counterparts.
  • Initial learning curve: Understanding the correct application rates and timings may take some getting used to, especially for those new to using these types of products.

Best slow-release fertiliser for buffalo grass
Evergreen Garden Care Lawn Builder Buffalo Fertiliser
9.5/10Our Score

Evergreen Garden Care Lawn Builder Buffalo Fertiliser is perfectly suited for all buffalo varieties, ensuring no blade is left wanting. Its boosted iron content deepens the green and thickens the turf, creating a natural barrier against invasive weeds. Its controlled nutrient release sets it apart, eliminating the common pitfalls of run-off and leaching and ensuring our lawn is nourished without burning or surge growth.

From personal experience, the ease of application is unmatched. The recommended 16 grams per m2 rate goes a long way, making it both efficient and economical. 

In our garden, the transformation was evident within weeks. Once yellowing and sparse, the buffalo grass rebounded with vigour and density. The granules' slow dissolution provided a steady supply of nutrients, visible in the sustained greening and growth.


Organic fertiliser is derived from natural sources, such as compost, manure, and bone meal, providing a holistic approach to nourishing buffalo grass. This fertiliser enriches the soil with organic matter, fostering a healthy ecosystem for the grassroots and avoiding buffalo grass runners.

Gardeners prioritising sustainability and the long-term health of their lawns and soil will find organic options particularly appealing.


  • Soil Health improvement: Organic fertilisers enhance soil structure and fertility over time, promoting robust root development and water retention.
  • Environmental safety: These fertilisers are made from natural materials and pose a minimal environmental risk, reducing the chemical run-off and pollution associated with synthetic options.
  • Support for natural growth processes: They slowly release nutrients, mimicking nature’s own pace and supporting the grass’s natural growth cycle without the risk of overfeeding.


  • Slower nutrient release: The gradual breakdown of organic materials means it can take longer for nutrients to become available to the grass, which might not be ideal for addressing immediate nutrient deficiencies.
  • Variability in nutrient composition: Since organic fertilisers come from natural sources, their nutrient content can vary significantly from batch to batch, making precise nutrient management more challenging.

Best organic for buffalo grass
Baileys Perfect Lawn
9/10Our Score

Blending slow-release blood and bone with vital plant nutrients and soil improvers, this organic marvel has transformed our lawn care routine. The addition of Zeolite, a genius move, ensures that water and nutrients stay right where they're needed, in the root zone, for optimal uptake.

The difference was palpable from the moment we integrated it into our soil. Our lawn, once struggling, now boasts a vigour and colour that speaks volumes of Perfect Lawn's efficacy. Its high nitrogen content, crucial for photosynthesis, has ushered in a lush, vibrant growth we hadn't seen before.

Application was a breeze, with clear guidelines ensuring we used just the right amount to nourish without overdoing it. 

The promise of a greener lawn in just three days seemed ambitious, yet Baileys delivered, much to our delight. Our garden, from herbs to strawberries, has never looked better, and without any unpleasant odour, it's been a win-win. 

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Which of these is the best fertiliser for buffalo grass?

When nurturing buffalo grass, the choice between liquid, slow-release, and organic fertilisers hinges on various factors, including lawn condition, climate, and personal maintenance preferences.

  1. Liquid fertilisers shine in their ability to provide immediate nutrient availability, making them perfect for quick green-up needs or addressing specific deficiencies. However, their rapid action requires more frequent applications and a higher risk of nutrient run-off.
  2. Slow-release fertilisers, on the other hand, offer a steady nutrient supply over an extended period, minimising the risk of fertiliser burn and reducing the need for frequent applications. This makes them a convenient choice for gardeners seeking a low-maintenance solution, albeit at a higher initial cost.
  3. Organic fertilisers, like Baileys Perfect Lawn, feed the grass and improve soil health, fostering a more sustainable environment for buffalo grass to thrive. They support natural growth processes and enhance soil microbial activity, though their nutrient release is slower and more variable.

Considering the unique needs of buffalo grass for consistent growth, colour enhancement, and overall health, slow-release fertilisers emerge as the most balanced option. They provide a practical, efficient solution that aligns with the grass’s growth patterns, offering sustained nutrition without needing constant reapplication. 

This makes slow-release fertilisers, such as the Evergreen Garden Care Lawn Builder Buffalo Fertiliser, the best choice for most buffalo grass lawns, accommodating a range of climates and reducing the need for frequent lawn maintenance.

What to consider before choosing the best buffalo lawn fertiliser

Before selecting the best fertiliser for your buffalo lawn, you must consider several critical factors to ensure your grass receives the optimal care it deserves. 

Understanding these elements can significantly impact the health and appearance of your lawn:

  • Soil type: The composition of your soil plays a pivotal role in nutrient absorption. Sandy soils, for instance, may require more frequent fertilisation than clay-rich soils due to their quick drainage and lower nutrient retention capacity.
  • Grass age: Newly established lawns have different nutritional needs compared to mature ones. Young grass benefits from fertilisers that promote root development, whereas established lawns might need a formula focused on maintenance and health.
  • Specific lawn needs: Assess your lawn for signs of nutrient deficiencies, weed infestation, or disease. Tailoring your fertiliser to address these issues can lead to more effective lawn care.
  • Climate and season: The time of year and local climate conditions significantly influence fertiliser choice and application timing. Some fertilisers are best applied in the growing season, while others are formulated for dormant periods.
  • Soil pH level: The acidity or alkalinity of your soil affects nutrient availability. Conducting a soil test to determine the pH level can guide you in choosing a fertiliser that will correct imbalances and promote healthy grass growth.
  • Environmental considerations: If sustainability is a priority, organic fertilisers offer an eco-friendly option, enhancing soil health without using synthetic chemicals.
  • Consultation with lawn care professionals: If you’re unsure about the best approach, seeking advice from a lawn care professional can provide tailored recommendations based on a thorough assessment of your lawn’s condition and needs.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on the best fertiliser for your buffalo lawn, ensuring it remains lush, green, and healthy. Soil testing, in particular, is a valuable step in this process, providing essential insights into your lawn’s specific requirements.

Buffalo fertiliser application tips 

Applying fertiliser to buffalo grass effectively requires a blend of timing, technique, and safety measures to ensure the health and beauty of your lawn. Here are some practical tips to achieve the best results:

Timing is key

  • Seasonal timing: Apply fertiliser during spring and early autumn growing seasons to support vigorous growth and recovery from winter dormancy.
  • Weather conditions: Choose a cool, overcast day to fertilise, avoiding extreme heat to prevent stress on the grass and reduce the risk of burning.
  • Mowing schedule: Fertilise your lawn a few days after mowing and ensure the grass is dry. This allows the fertiliser to reach the soil more effectively.

Application methods

  • Read instructions: Always start by reading the manufacturer’s instructions. This ensures you use the correct amount of product and apply it safely.
  • Even distribution: Use a spreader for granular fertilisers to ensure even coverage. A sprayer attached to your hose can provide a uniform application for liquid fertilisers.
  • Watering in: Unless otherwise specified, water your lawn lightly after applying fertiliser. This helps to activate the fertiliser and encourages it to penetrate the soil.

Safety precautions

  • Protective gear: Wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling fertiliser to avoid skin and eye irritation.
  • Avoid overapplication: Applying too much fertiliser can lead to nutrient run-off, pollution, and damage to your lawn. Stick to the recommended rates.
  • Clean up: After application, sweep any fertiliser granules that land on hard surfaces back onto the lawn to prevent staining and run-off.

Avoiding common mistakes

  • Don’t guess, measure: Use a measuring cup or scale to measure the fertiliser accurately according to your lawn’s size.
  • Avoid windy days: Applying fertiliser on windy days can lead to uneven distribution and waste.
  • Check the Forecast: Ensure no heavy rain is forecasted immediately after application to prevent washing away the fertiliser.

Importance of Manufacturer Instructions

Following the manufacturer’s instructions is crucial for several reasons:

  • Safety: Ensures the safe handling and application of the product.
  • Efficacy: Guarantees the product is used in a way that maximises its effectiveness.
  • Environmental protection: Helps prevent overapplication and reduces the risk of environmental harm.

By adhering to these tips and being mindful of your buffalo grass’s specific needs and conditions, you can maintain a lush, healthy lawn that is both beautiful and sustainable.


In nurturing our buffalo lawns, selecting the right liquid, slow-release, or organic fertiliser is crucial for ensuring vitality and lushness. This guide has illuminated the path to understanding each type’s benefits and considerations, from immediate nutrient delivery to enhancing soil health and ensuring sustained growth. 

Remember, effective application hinges on timing, method, and adherence to safety guidelines!

By integrating fertilisation into our lawn care routines and tailoring our choices to our lawn’s specific needs, we foster vibrant, healthy buffalo grass that enhances our outdoor spaces and brings joy to our gardening endeavours.


How often should I fertilise my buffalo lawn?

The best results occur when buffalo lawn is fertilised at least twice a year, especially when applied in Spring and Autumn. 

Can I use a general-purpose fertiliser on my buffalo lawn?

We recommend avoiding a general-purpose fertiliser on buffalo grass as it may contain too much nitrogen, leading to excessive growth and thatch build-up. This can cause problems down the line and may require you to vertimow your lawn

Can I use organic fertilisers on my buffalo lawn?

Yes, organic fertilisers such as seaweed extract and natural gypsum can be used on buffalo grass to improve soil health and provide essential nutrients.

Is it necessary to aerate my buffalo lawn before fertilising?

Aerating your lawn before fertilising can help to improve soil structure and nutrient uptake. It is recommended to aerate your lawn at least once a year, preferably before fertilising.