Dynamic Lifter vs Blood and Bone: Comparative Guide

Written By:
Scott Carroll
Published On:
January 31, 2024
Dynamic Lifter vs Blood and Bone

Homeowners across Australia work with and, at times, against nature to have beautiful lawns and gardens. Using organic fertilisers and those that use natural products rather than synthetic and chemically-laden ingredients can help. While organic fertilisers may need more time to work and might involve more planning and application considerations, the benefits are numerous. 

They are easier on the planet, safe for pets and humans, and do not carry some toxicity concerns other plant and lawn fertilisers do. This is why we proudly promote organic products to all our customers and members. Embracing organic gardening practices makes it easier to maintain a healthier ecosystem in your yard. It allows you to grow food and flowers without harming Mother Nature.

Why should you care about organic fertilisers?

Organic fertilisers offer numerous benefits for your garden and the environment. If you are interested in more sustainable practices for your yard and your garden, our plant care experts recommend organic products for the following reasons:

  • Environmentally friendly: Naturally formulated products help lower the amount of harmful substances in the environment, thus protecting against soil and water pollution.
  • Slow-release nutrients: Organic fertilisers allow for a more even and easier delivery of nutrients, keeping plants healthy and strong all season long.
  • Soil structure and fertility: There are countless beneficial microorganisms in the soil that benefit from safe and organic fertilisers that do not harm them or their environment.
  • Reduced overfertilisation: Organic fertilisers are less likely to cause toxic soil buildup, which protects waterways and other areas from water run-off and leaching.
  • Safer for children and pets: The biggest benefit to using these products is that they are safe when pets, children, and people are exposed to normal levels after application. 

Moreover, according to horticultural studies, organic substrates and fertilisers can also effectively produce container plants with comparable growth rates to conventional production systems.

Organic fertilisers in Australia are commonly focused on two main products, both manufactured by Yates- Dynamic Lifter and Blood & Bone.

Understanding NPK Ratio

One of the best ways to choose a fertiliser for your needs is to pay attention to the NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium). This is the number displayed on all fertiliser packages in three numbers, like this- 5:5:5.

  • N – Nitrogen is critical to foliage growth and keeps leaves green, glossy, and healthy
  • P – Phosphorus works to promote root growth as well as maximise flowering potential 
  • K – Potassium keeps plants healthy and is also important for flowering and fruit development

It is important to note that no fertiliser is perfect for all plants. However, an essential mix that balances all three nutrients can work well as an all-purpose fertiliser. A 1.0:1.0:1.0 fertiliser, for example, can be between applications of other, more specific products. 

In the words of the Journal of Plant Production, a ratio of 1.0:0.5:1.0 provides the highest values for vegetative growth, yield, and quality.

Our plant experts recommend using a balanced fertiliser once a year during the growing season. However, a specialised application of Blood and Bone or Dynamic Lifter can take your lawn maintenance and garden upkeep to a new level!

What is Dynamic Lifter?

Dynamic Lifter is a uniquely formulated pellet fertiliser commonly used on lawns and garden beds. It is made from chicken manure; some varieties include meal seaweed and other ingredients. 

This formulation is a great nutrient source that promotes rich and healthy growth. Dynamic Lifter is formulated to help stimulate healthy green foliage and deep and healthy root systems. The unique pellet formulation slowly releases nutrients into the soil for long-term use in your lawn and garden.

Dynamic Lifter NPK

Yates Dynamic Lifter is popular because of its great NPK ratio of 3.6:1.1:1.7. As the ratio demonstrates, it can be used for all plants, lawns, and gardens. It has a good level of key nutrients and is high in Nitrogen. This makes it great for foliage plants, lawns, and overall plant growth. It is a natural slow-release fertiliser designed not to impact your soil’s pH levels. 

What is Blood and Bone?

Yates Blood & Bone is a popular lawn and garden additive commercial and residential gardeners use. This organic fertiliser comprises 65% pure, high-quality organic meat meal treated and formulated for lawn and garden use. 

It is safe for all plants and can be used around people and animals if label directions are followed. Blending pellets and granules make it easy to use and apply to lawn and flower bed areas.

Blood and Bone NPK 

Yates Blood and Bone has a powerful mix of ingredients that give it an NPK ratio of 5.4:4:1. This organic mix contains cow manure as a primary ingredient to help improve soil composition and nutrient availability. It’s suitable for most veggies, flowers, and exotic plants. The mix can be added to containers or sprinkled on flower beds and lawns for easy use and application.

Dynamic Lifter vs Blood and Bone: A comparative analysis

If vigorous leaf and foliage growth is your ultimate goal for your lawn and garden, then Blood and Bone is your best option. However, Dynamic Lifter will serve you best if you need something more balanced or ideal for flowers and fruiting plants.

Let’s dive deeper into this comparative analysis between the Dynamic Lifter vs Blood and Bone debate. 

Compatibility with different plant types

In comparing Dynamic Lifter and Blood and Bone for various plant types, Dynamic Lifter, with its NPK ratio of 3.6 1.1:1.7, is versatile, excellent for vegetables, flowers, and lawns, particularly beneficial for leafy greens and root vegetables. 

However, it may not suit plants sensitive to high nitrogen levels. Blood and Bone, with a higher nitrogen content (NPK 5.4:4:1), is ideal for foliage plants and grasses, promoting lush growth. It’s less suitable for phosphorus-sensitive plants, like some Australian natives. 

Both fertilisers require careful use around seedlings to prevent root burn, highlighting the importance of understanding plant-specific needs for optimal growth.

Release rate of nutrients

Dynamic Lifter, a slow-release fertiliser, gradually disperses nutrients over several weeks, providing a steady nutrient supply. This sustained release is ideal for most plants, ensuring consistent growth without the risk of nutrient overload.

In contrast, while also considered slow-release, Blood and Bone tend to release their nutrients slightly faster due to their composition. This makes it particularly effective for plants requiring a quick boost in growth, such as fast-growing vegetables and flowering plants. 

However, for delicate plants or seedlings, the quicker nutrient release might necessitate more careful application to avoid overwhelming them.


For Dynamic Lifter, apply 50-100 grams per square metre for gardens or 30-50 grams for pots, evenly spreading it over the soil surface and lightly mixing it in. Water the area well post-application. Use it every 6-8 weeks during active growth periods. 

For Blood and Bone, apply at a rate of 100 grams per square metre in gardens or 30 grams for pots. Distribute evenly and incorporate into the topsoil. Water thoroughly afterwards. Apply every 6 weeks during the growing season. Both fertilisers are best applied in mild weather conditions to avoid evaporation loss. 

Adjust quantities for sandy or clay-heavy soils, which may require more or less fertiliser, respectively.

Environmental impact

Dynamic Lifter and Blood and Bone, organic fertilisers, offer environmentally friendly options. Dynamic Lifter, derived from chicken manure, enhances soil structure and promotes microbial activity, improving soil health. Its slow-release nature minimises the risk of nutrient runoff into waterways. 

Blood and Bone, made from meat and bone meal, also contribute to soil health by adding organic matter. However, its higher nutrient content, particularly nitrogen, requires careful application to prevent potential runoff and water pollution. 

Both fertilisers are biodegradable, reducing the environmental footprint compared to synthetic alternatives. Their use supports sustainable gardening practices by nourishing the soil naturally.

Effectiveness in pest control

Dynamic Lifter and Blood and Bone, primarily being nutrient providers, do not possess inherent pest-repelling properties. However, their role in enhancing soil health indirectly contributes to pest control. 

Healthier soil fosters stronger plant growth, making plants more resilient to pest attacks. The improved soil condition can also support beneficial microorganisms and insects that act as natural pest deterrents. 

While neither fertiliser directly combats pests, their use in a balanced garden ecosystem can reduce pest problems. They can be effectively integrated with other organic pest control methods, such as companion planting and natural insecticides, for a comprehensive pest management strategy.

Safety for pets and children

Being organic, dynamic Lifter and Blood and Bone are generally safer for pets and children than synthetic fertilisers. However, precautions are still necessary. 

After application, ensure the area is well-watered to help the fertiliser seep into the soil, reducing the chance of pets or children coming into direct contact with it. While these products are non-toxic, ingestion in large quantities can be harmful, so keep pets and children away during application. 

Store these fertilisers out of reach to prevent accidental ingestion. Always follow label instructions for safe use and handling to maintain a family-friendly gardening environment.

Whichever option you choose, these organic fertilisers can help you get a lawn or garden that is the talk of the town!

Making the right choice for your garden

Selecting the ideal fertiliser for your garden hinges on understanding your garden’s unique needs. 

Here’s a guide to help you make the best choice between Dynamic Lifter and Blood and Bone:

Assess your garden’s needs

  • If your garden primarily consists of leafy greens, vegetables, or flowering plants, Dynamic Lifter’s balanced nutrient profile supports overall growth. For gardens focused on foliage plants or lawns, Blood and Bone’s higher nitrogen content is beneficial for vigorous green growth.
  • Dynamic Lifter improves soil structure, especially sandy or depleted soils. Blood and Bone, with its quicker nutrient release, is suitable for well-draining soils where immediate nutrient uptake is desired.

Consider your gardening goals

  • Dynamic Lifter enhances soil health over time for a long-term approach, making it a sustainable choice.
  • Blood and Bone can be more effective if you’re looking for a quick boost, especially in foliage growth.

Environmental and safety considerations

  • Both fertilisers are organic and environmentally friendly but ensure proper application to prevent runoff issues.
  • Consider safety for pets and children – both products are safer than synthetic options but require basic precautions during application and storage.

Frequency of gardening

  • For regular gardeners, Dynamic Lifter’s slow-release formula means fewer applications, which is ideal for maintaining a garden with less frequent intervention.
  • Blood and Bone might require more frequent application, which is suitable for gardeners who enjoy regular upkeep.

In conclusion, your choice depends on the types of plants you’re nurturing, your soil’s condition, your environmental concerns, and how often you engage in gardening. By considering these factors, you can select a fertiliser that nourishes your plants and aligns with your gardening philosophy and lifestyle.


What is a substitute for Dynamic Lifter?

A generally balanced fertiliser with an even NPK ratio, such as a 5.5.5 or a 10.10.10, can work well as a general all-purpose application to replace Dynamic Lifter applications. 

Can you use Seasol and Dynamic Lifter together?

Caution should be used when mixing fertilisers and additives to avoid the risk of toxicity buildup, so be sure to read all labels and follow all given instructions and recommendations. 

Does Dynamic Lifter burn roots?

When used according to specifications and when all label instructions and considerations are followed, Dynamic Lifter is safe for plants and flowers and will not likely harm roots.

Is blood and bone good for grass?

 This formulation focuses on high levels of Nitrogen, which makes it perfect for foliage growth and health and, thus, a good choice for use on lawn grasses in Australian yards.

Is Dynamic Lifter toxic to dogs?

When used as intended, Dynamic Lifter and similar organic products are safe for pets and people if they encounter the product in levels equal to what would normally be experienced in the yard.

Is Blood and Bone good for lawns?

Blood and Bone is good for lawns, particularly due to its high nitrogen content, which promotes vigorous and healthy grass growth, enhancing the lawn’s greenness and density.

Is Blood and Bone high in nitrogen?

Blood and Bone is indeed high in nitrogen, with an NPK ratio of 5.4:4:1, making it especially beneficial for stimulating strong foliage and grass growth.