When to Prune Roses in Perth

Written By:
Scott Carroll
Published On:
May 10, 2023
When to prune roses in Perth

Regular trimming is essential if you want to enjoy beautiful and healthy roses in your yard. Pruning supports not only profuse flowers but also overall plant vigour.

Perth’s climate can impact the best time to prune and care for your roses. This article will walk you through the process of pruning several species of roses in Perth, as well as provide additional care advice to help you maintain a beautiful rose garden.

Understanding rose types and when to prune in Perth

Roses are often pruned in late winter to early spring in Perth, but it is critical to assess local weather conditions before beginning, since ideal time can vary. Pruning times vary depending on the variety of rose in your yard.

  • Hybrid tea roses: Pruning is required to maintain shape and increase blooms on these plants, which are known for their enormous, solitary flowers and upright growth habit. These roses should be pruned in late July to early August in Perth.
  • Floribunda roses: Pruning is also required to maintain shape and increase blooms due to their clusters of flowers and bushy growth habit. In Perth, prune these roses from late July until early August.
  • Shrub and landscape roses: Shrub and landscape roses, which are versatile and appropriate for a variety of garden settings, should be pruned in mid to late August in Perth to retain their shape and promote healthy development.
  • Climbing roses: Long, flexible canes on climbing roses can be coaxed to grow vertically. To encourage new growth and an abundance of blooms, trim these roses in late winter after the first flush of flowers. 

Pruning techniques

Pruning your roses properly not only keeps them looking their best, but it also promotes healthier growth and more blooms, resulting in a gorgeous show in your garden. This section will go over the necessary tools and preparation for pruning roses in Perth, as well as the general pruning method and special suggestions for individual rose kinds. 

Tools and preparation

Before you start pruning, make sure you have the necessary tools:

  • Sharp, clean secateurs for precise cuts
  • Loppers for thick branches
  • Protective gloves to prevent injuries

General pruning process

  1. Remove dead, damaged, or diseased branches: Begin by removing any dead timber or branches that are diseased or damaged. This phase supports healthier growth and reduces disease transmission.
  2. Thin out crowded growth: To increase air circulation and limit the risk of fungal illnesses, remove any crossed or inward-growing branches. In Perth’s humid climate, proper air circulation is very crucial.
  3. Shorten main branches: Depending on the size and shape of your rose bush, prune the main branches by one-third to one-half. This promotes new development and allows the plant to concentrate its efforts on generating more flowers.
  4. Prune to outward-facing buds: Make a clean, angled cut about 5mm above an outward-facing bud when cutting branches. This stimulates outward expansion and aids in the maintenance of an open and well-structured plant.

Specific pruning tips for different rose types

Pruning rose kinds such as hybrid tea and floribunda roses in Perth should be done in late July to early August. Begin by removing weak, twiggy growth and pruning the strongest stems back to roughly half their original length. 

Pruning shrubs and landscape roses is best done in mid to late August. We recommend removing any dead or diseased wood and shape this type of plant to the desired size and shape. 

Finally, following the first flush of blossoms, climbing roses should be cut in late winter. Remove any dead or damaged canes, trim side branches to a few buds, and connect fresh shoots to a support structure to encourage growth

Rose care

It is critical that you give correct care for attractive and growing roses in Perth, including watering, fertilising, pest and disease management, and mulching. This section will go through these key components of rose care that are specific to Perth’s environment and conditions.


Proper irrigation is essential for healthy roses in Perth. We suggest that you adjust for rains and provide consistent, deep watering of 2.5 to 4 cm each week. 

Furthermore, we recommend watering in the morning to limit the danger of fungal illness and to enable leaves to dry before nighttime.


Proper irrigation is essential for healthy roses in Perth. Adjust for rains and provide consistent, deep watering of 2.5 to 4 cm each week. 

Furthermore, we recommend watering in the morning to limit the danger of fungal illness and to enable leaves to dry before nighttime.

Pest and disease control

In Perth, keep an eye out for pests like aphids, caterpillars, and spider mites, as well as diseases like blackspot, powdery mildew, and rust. 

For pests, use ecologically friendly treatments such as insecticidal soaps or horticultural oils, and for diseases, use fungicides or cultural controls such as correct watering practises and air circulation.


To conserve moisture, discourage weeds, and regulate soil temperature, mulch the base of rose plants in Perth with organic mulch such as compost, old manure, or shredded leaves. To avoid rot and dissuade pests, keep mulch a few inches away from the plant’s base.


Pruning and caring for your roses in Perth is vital for keeping your garden looking attractive and healthy. You’ll be well on your way to enjoying the beauty and smell of well-maintained roses in your garden if you follow our recommendations on when to prune, the procedures required, and additional rose care. If you’re not from Perth, be sure to check out our guide on when to prune roses in Melbourne!