What Vegetables to Plant Now in Adelaide

Written By:
Scott Carroll
Published On:
February 5, 2024
Vegetable Garden

Understanding the cycle of the seasons is essential for successful gardening, especially when growing vegetables. 

Seasonal changes greatly impact the growth patterns of our culinary plants in Adelaide since the environment offers various seasons. It is not only important to know when to plant but also what to plant in each season to ensure a healthy output. 

Understanding the importance of seasonal planting

Planting veggies according to their preferred season is more than following a gardener’s almanack.

Vegetables grow in cycles that correspond to various meteorological conditions. Some flourish in the cool, shorter days of autumn and winter, while others require the warm, long spring and summer days. We can ensure healthier plants and a higher yield by coordinating our planting schedules with these natural cycles. 

Adelaide climate overview 

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, Adelaide experiences cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. The city’s coastal location and physical features balance these extremes, resulting in distinct seasonal fluctuations that considerably impact vegetable growth.

Melbourne has a similar temperate oceanic climate but with more consistent yearly rainfall. Sydney has a humid subtropical climate with higher rainfall and humidity. In contrast, Perth has a Mediterranean climate with hotter summers and milder winters.

These climate variances are significant when it comes to vegetable cultivation. What grows well in Sydney’s humid climate may struggle in Adelaide’s hot, dry summer. Similarly, vegetables that thrive in Melbourne’s mild, wet winters may find Adelaide’s winters too dry.

Understanding this lets us decide what and when to plant, resulting in a thriving vegetable garden that provides fresh produce yearly. Check out our recommendations for Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Tasmania and Perth for ideas on what to plant in other major Australian cities.

What to plant in Adelaide now

Use our calculator by inserting your current month and we’ll tell you what vegetables you can plant. 

What veggies to plant now in Adelaide

What to plant in Summer (December – February)

Adelaide’s summer, which lasts from December to February, is distinguished by long, hot days and little rain. However, this season is ideal for planting a variety of heat-loving veggies that flourish in the harsh Australian sun.


  • Beetroot: This root vegetable thrives in the summer heat, and planting in early December helps the plant establish itself before the season’s heat arrives. Beetroot grows best in well-drained, fertile soil and tolerates partial shade. Plant seeds around 2 cm deep in wet soil. Harvesting should take eight to ten weeks after planting.
  • Brussel sprouts: Plant these cool-season veggies in December for a crop in late autumn to early winter. They prefer bright sunlight and healthy, well-drained soil. Plant seeds around 1 cm deep in wet soil. It will take 14-28 days for them to germinate.
  • Capsicum: Capsicums thrive in hot weather and demand full sun. Plant them in well-drained soil, water and feed them regularly, and you’ll be rewarded with a bumper crop. Capsicum plants are normally ready to harvest 10 to 12 weeks after they are planted.
  • Carrots: These should be planted in a sunny location with loose, deep, well-drained soil. They are drought-tolerant, although continuous hydration is required for optimal growth. Carrots are ready to harvest 12 weeks after they are planted, depending on the type.
  • Cauliflower: A cool-season crop that enjoys shade and steady moisture. Early summer planting promotes a cool autumn crop. Cauliflowers are ready to harvest 15-22 weeks after sowing, depending on the type.


  • Climbing Beans: Climbing beans thrive in the midsummer heat. They require a sunny location, well-drained soil, and a climbing structure. Water thoroughly during dry months and harvest in approximately 12 weeks.
  • Corn: This thrives in full sun and rich, well-drained soil. To guarantee effective pollination, plant in blocks rather than rows. Corn is normally ready to harvest 14-16 weeks after planting, depending on the variety.
  • Cucumber: These vine plants prefer a sunny, well-drained location and require lots of water. Cucumbers can be harvested 8-10 weeks after they are planted.
  • Tomatoes: This type of crawling vine demands full sun, healthy soil, and consistent watering. Plants should be staked for support as they grow. Depending on the variety, tomatoes are normally ready to harvest 8-17 weeks after sowing.


  • Spinach: Spinach enjoys milder temperatures, so plant in partial shade and keep the soil regularly moist. Spinach grows quickly and can be picked as soon as 5-6 weeks after sowing.
  • Kale: Grow this cool-season crop in a sunny spot with well-draining soil. A layer of mulch and regular watering will keep it happy. Kale can be picked anywhere between 7-9 weeks after planting, depending on the variety and size of the leaves desired.
  • Parsnip: Parsnips are a cool-season vegetable that grows best in the spring and late summer. Plant seeds straight into deep, loose, well-drained soil in a sunny area, keeping the soil always moist. Parsnips are normally ready to harvest 16-20 weeks after seeding, depending on the variety.

In sum, you can enjoy a big summer harvest in your Adelaide garden if you follow these planting instructions!

What to plant in Autumn (March – May)

Autumn in Adelaide, which lasts from March to May, marks the transition from a hot summer to a cooler environment. It’s a good time to sow a variety of cool-weather crops.


  • Broccoli: Broccoli enjoys milder temperatures and should be grown in a sunny position with well-drained soil. A layer of mulch and regular watering will keep it healthy. Depending on the type, Broccoli is normally ready to harvest 16-20 weeks after sowing.
  • Celery: This enjoys lower temperatures, so planting in March allows it to mature over the cooler months. It enjoys moist, rich soil and requires regular watering. Celery can be harvested 16-18 weeks after planting.
  • Chives: Plant these hardy perennials in March for a rapid yield. They prefer full sun but may tolerate little shade. Chives can be harvested after reaching a height of around 15 cm, usually 8-10 weeks after planting.
  • Fennel: This plant likes milder temperatures and direct sunlight, although it can also withstand partial shade. It necessitates well-drained soil and stable moisture levels. Fennel can be picked when the bulbs are the size of a tennis ball, which occurs 14-16 weeks after seeding.


  • Broad Beans: These appreciate milder temperatures and should be cultivated in a sunny position with well-drained soil. Water them frequently, especially as the beans form. Broad beans are usually ready to harvest 12-15 weeks after they are planted.
  • Pak Choi: This cool-season crop likes well-drained soil and a sunny or gently shaded location in the garden. Watering is required regularly, and harvesting can begin as soon as 6-7 weeks after planting.
  • Peas: Peas prefer the chilly autumn weather. Climbing cultivars require well-drained soil and a support structure. Water them regularly and harvest them after 9-11 weeks.


  • Radicchio: This leafy vegetable enjoys cool temperatures and should be planted in a sunny position with good, well-drained soil. It needs to be watered regularly and can be harvested 8-10 weeks after planting.
  • Swede: This root vegetable thrives in the lower autumn weather. Plant in a bright spot with deep, well-drained soil. Swedes are usually ready to harvest 10-12 weeks after planting.

Planting these vegetables in your Adelaide garden in autumn will ensure a plentiful harvest throughout the winter!

What to plant in Winter (June – August)

Adelaide’s winter lasts from June to August, and is distinguished by colder temperatures and increased rainfall. This season is ideal for cultivating veggies that need lower temperatures.


  • Peas: Planting peas in the winter capitalises on their predisposition for lower temperatures. Peas require a sunny location in your garden with well-drained soil. Water regularly and offer support for climbing plants. Harvesting should take place 9-11 weeks following planting.
  • Spinach: This sturdy leafy green grows well in cooler weather and may withstand light frost. Plant in well-draining soil in a sunny or slightly shady location. Spinach leaves can be harvested when they are large enough to eat, usually 6-8 weeks after sowing.


  • Potatoes: Because potatoes need cooler weather to grow, winter is an excellent time to plant them in Adelaide. They prefer a sunny location with well-drained soil. Regular watering is essential, and harvesting occurs approximately 15-20 weeks after planting, depending on the type.
  • Swede: This root vegetable thrives in chilly weather. Plant in a sunny spot with deep, well-drained soil. Swedes are usually ready to harvest 10-12 weeks after they are planted.


  • Beetroot: Because beetroot is a cool-season vegetable, it will be available to harvest in late spring if planted in August. They require continuous hydration and appreciate a sunny location with well-drained soil. Beetroot is normally ready to harvest 8-10 weeks after sowing, depending on the cultivar.
  • Chilli: While chilli plants prefer warmer weather, planting them indoors in late January gives them a good start for the growing season. They require sunlight and well-drained soil. Chillies normally take 12-16 weeks to mature from seed to harvest, depending on the variety.
  • Eggplant: Eggplants, like chillies, can be started indoors in late winter. They demand full light and well-drained soil. Depending on the type, eggplants are normally ready to harvest 12-15 weeks after sowing.
  • Silverbeet: This leafy green grows well in the lower temperatures of late winter. It prefers a sunny or partly shady location with well-drained soil. Silverbeet can be harvested 7-12 weeks after planting when the leaves have reached a suitable size.

Planting these vegetables in your Adelaide garden during the winter will result in a bumper crop in the spring and summer.

What to plant in Spring (September – November)

As winter frost fades, Adelaide’s spring, which lasts from September to November, welcomes a period of mild temperatures and light showers. This climate is ideal for many veggies, which thrive in these conditions.


  • Capsicum: The warm soil of September makes it an ideal season to plant capsicum. This plant thrives in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Water frequently; harvest should take about 10-12 weeks after planting when the fruit is firm and lustrous.
  • Celery: This veggie likes chilly conditions but not cold temperatures. Plant in rich, well-drained soil that is regularly moist. Harvest when the stalks are about 8 inches long, usually between 16 and 18 weeks after planting.
  • Cucumber: Because cucumber is a warm-season crop, planting it in early spring will ensure a productive yield. They require a sunny location with plenty of moisture. Harvesting typically occurs 8-10 weeks after planting.


  • Parsnip: Because parsnips are a cool-weather vegetable, October is an excellent time to sow them. They require a sunny location and deep, well-draining soil. Cold temperatures increase the flavour of parsnips. Thus, they are often harvested in late winter or early spring.
  • Peas: Peas can withstand the low October temperatures and produce a large harvest. Plant in a bright spot with well-draining soil. Harvesting should take place 9-11 weeks following planting.
  • Pumpkins: Plant pumpkins in October to be ready to harvest in late July. They require sunlight and well-drained soil. Depending on the cultivar, pumpkins are normally ready to harvest 15-20 weeks after sowing.
  • Zucchini: Because zucchini need warm soil to germinate, plant it in October as the weather warms. They demand a sunny location with well-draining soil. The fruit is harvested 6-9 weeks after planting when it is about 15-20 cm long.


  • Carrots: As the weather warms up in November, carrots can be planted. They require a sunny location as well as loose, well-drained soil. Carrots can take 10-12 weeks to mature, depending on the variety.
  • Corn: This warm-season crop requires full sunlight and well-drained soil. To ensure a June harvest, plant in November. Harvesting occurs approximately 18-20 weeks after planting when the silks become dark and dry.
  • Eggplant: Plant eggplants in November, when the weather is reliably warm. They need full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. Depending on the type, eggplants are usually ready to harvest 12-15 weeks after sowing.
  • Fennel: Fennel enjoys the milder temperatures of late April. Plant in a sunny, well-drained site. Fennel bulbs are typically harvested 14-16 weeks after planting.

Planting these vegetables in your Adelaide garden in the spring will ensure a healthy and plentiful crop throughout the summer.

Tips for successful vegetable gardening in Adelaide

The success of your vegetable garden is determined by more than simply what you grow and when you plant it. It also depends on how you plan and manage your garden, which is especially important given Adelaide’s distinctive environment. 

Here are some key vegetable gardening tips:

Soil preparation and composting

In Adelaide, preparing soil and mastering composting are crucial steps toward a thriving garden. These practices ensure plants have the best foundation, are rich in nutrients, and have optimal moisture levels. Start by testing soil pH and nutrient content with a simple kit from your local garden centre. Results guide us in adjusting soil conditions to meet plant needs.

Improving soil quality involves mixing organic matter like compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mould. This process enhances soil structure, boosts water retention, and increases nutrient availability, creating an ideal environment for plant roots.

For composting, combine green (kitchen scraps, lawn clippings) and brown materials (dry leaves, straw). Avoid meats and dairy. A well-maintained compost pile transforms waste into gold for gardens, enriching soil and supporting healthy plant growth.

Companion planting 

Companion planting, a method as old as gardening, harnesses the natural relationships between plants to enhance growth, deter pests, and improve pollination. This practice proves invaluable in Adelaide’s diverse climate, turning gardens into synergistic ecosystems. By thoughtfully pairing plants, we maximise garden space and create a harmonious environment where plants thrive together.

For Adelaide gardeners, consider these companion planting strategies:

  • Tomatoes with Basil: Basil repels flies and mosquitoes, enhancing tomato health and flavour.
  • Carrots and Spring Onions: Spring onions repel carrot flies, while carrots deter onion flies.
  • Spinach and Strawberries: These companions benefit from mutual protection against pests.

However, not all plants play well together. For instance, keep potatoes away from tomatoes and cucumbers to avoid competition and reduce the risk of blight spreading. Similarly, garlic and onions can inhibit the growth of beans and peas.

Here’s a handy chart of other pairings for reference:

Companion Pairs Benefits
Tomatoes & Basil Pest control, flavor enhancement
Carrots & Spring Onions Pest deterrence
Spinach & Strawberries Mutual protection against pests
Beans & Corn Corn provides support; beans fix nitrogen
Cucumbers & Radishes Radishes deter cucumber beetles
Lettuce & Tall Flowers Shade for lettuce, attracts pollinators
Peas & Carrots Peas fix nitrogen, benefiting carrots
Marigolds & Most Vegetables Pest control, especially nematodes
Zucchini & Nasturtium Nasturtium deters pests, enhances growth
Beets & Garlic Garlic deters pests from beets


Remember, companion planting is as much about what not to plant together. Avoid combinations that compete for nutrients or attract the same pests, ensuring a balanced and productive garden.

Watering practices

In Adelaide, where the climate can swing from wet winters to dry summers, understanding the watering needs of vegetable gardens is key. Embrace deep, infrequent watering strategies to encourage roots to grow deeper, seeking moisture and nutrients. This approach not only strengthens plants but also conserves water.

Efficient watering techniques, such as drip irrigation and soaker hoses, target water directly to the plant roots, minimising waste. Collecting rainwater offers an eco-friendly solution to meet garden needs without tapping into the municipal supply.

Mulching is crucial in retaining soil moisture, reducing evaporation, and maintaining stable soil temperatures. Organic mulches like straw, bark, or compost are ideal for vegetable gardens, adding nutrients to the soil as they decompose. By implementing these practices, Adelaide gardeners can ensure they are lush, productive, and water-wise.

Seasonal pest and disease management

In Adelaide’s diverse climate, gardens face various pests and diseases. Common culprits include aphids, causing leaf curl and stunted growth, and powdery mildew, leaving a white, powdery residue on leaves. Identifying these issues early is crucial, with photos aiding in accurate identification.

Preventative measures are the first line of defence. Crop rotation, adequate plant spacing, and selecting disease-resistant varieties help minimise outbreaks. These practices ensure healthier plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases.

For organic control, neem oil and diatomaceous earth are effective against various pests without harming the environment. Introducing beneficial insects, like ladybugs, to combat aphids promotes a natural balance in the garden. Embracing these organic methods supports a sustainable, productive garden ecosystem in Adelaide.

Vegetable harvesting and storage

Harvesting vegetables at the right moment is crucial for taste and longevity. In Adelaide, look for signs of ripeness like full colour and firmness. For leafy greens, pick in the morning when the moisture content is highest. Use sharp scissors for clean cuts to prevent plant damage.

Storing harvested vegetables properly can significantly extend their freshness. Root vegetables store well in cool, dark places, while leafy greens prefer the high humidity of a refrigerator’s crisper drawer. Tomatoes and peppers, on the other hand, thrive at room temperature until they’re fully ripe.

Adelaide’s varied climate means gardeners can extend the growing season with ingenuity. Cloches, row covers, and greenhouses can protect plants from sudden temperature drops and extend warm-season crops’ productivity. These techniques allow for a bountiful harvest well beyond the typical growing season.

What to consider with urban vegetable gardening in Adelaide

Urban vegetable gardening in Adelaide, especially within the inner city or smaller spaces, requires creativity and strategic planning. Here are practical tips to maximise your urban garden:

  1. Choose the right containers: Opt for containers that fit your space but are deep enough for the roots of your chosen vegetables. Self-watering pots are excellent for reducing maintenance.
  2. Select suitable vegetables: Focus on high-yield and fast-growing vegetables like lettuce, spinach, radishes, and herbs. These are perfect for balcony or window sill gardens.
  3. Utilise vertical space: Vertical gardening techniques, such as trellises for climbing plants like tomatoes and beans, can significantly increase your growing area without needing more ground space.
  4. Optimise light exposure: Most vegetables need 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. In Adelaide’s urban areas, positioning your containers in the brightest spots or using reflective surfaces can help maximise light.
  5. Companion planting in containers: Companion planting can be beneficial in small spaces. Pairing herbs with vegetables not only saves space but can also deter pests.
  6. Water wisely: Urban containers dry out faster, especially in Adelaide’s summer. Check soil moisture regularly, and consider a drip irrigation system for consistent watering.
  7. Soil and nutrition: Use a high-quality potting mix and regularly supplement with organic fertilisers to ensure your vegetables get nutrients.

By considering these aspects, Adelaide’s urban dwellers can enjoy the freshness and satisfaction of growing their own vegetables, even in the smallest spaces.

Key takeaways

Understanding Adelaide’s climate and planting correctly can help your vegetable garden thrive. The city’s distinct environment allows for year-round gardening, with each season providing optimal circumstances for a wide range of crops.

We’ve put together a guide to assist you in figuring out what crops to plant each month. Remember that gardening is an art as much as a science, and even expert gardeners have setbacks from time to time. Don’t be disheartened if not every plant thrives.

More than the fresh vegetables, the real reward is the delight of working with nature and nurturing a plant from seed to harvest. So go outside, get your hands dirty, and begin planting. Your kitchen, health, and the earth will all be grateful!


What are some organic fertilisers I can use for my vegetable garden in Adelaide?

Organic fertilisers are an excellent approach to replenishing your soil with the nutrients required for plant growth. Compost, manure, bone meal, and seaweed extracts are natural products derived from plants or animals. Which one to choose is determined by your plants’ nutrient requirements.

How can I set up a rainwater collection system for my vegetable garden in Adelaide?

Rainwater collection systems, especially in locations with dry summers like Adelaide, can be a sustainable way to water your garden. They might be as simple as barrel systems or as complex as systems with pumps and filtration. When installing a system, consider local requirements and the size of your garden.

What are some common diseases that can affect my vegetable garden in Adelaide and how can I prevent them?

Various diseases can affect vegetable plants, including fungal, bacterial, and viral infections. Spots on leaves slowed development, and wilting are common symptoms of illness. Crop rotation, appropriate watering, and disease-resistant cultivars are all prevention techniques. It’s also critical to watch for signs of disease in your garden so you can respond immediately if you find any.